Jan Mattingly- The Science Lady- Future Engineers

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Program Type:

Class/Workshop, STEM / STEAM

Age Group:

Tweens, Teens

Program Description

Event Details

Join Jan Mattingly, the Science Lady,  as she presents Future Engineers at our Westgate Branch on June 12 from 1:30-2:30 pm. This program is for kids ages 10-18.

Registration is required to attend this workshop. 


Free and open to the public

This event is free and open to the public. However, a library card may be required to register for some events or programs. 

Instructional class

Since this is an instructional class, we kindly ask that you arrive before the start of the class start time so that we can start on time. Latecomers will not be permitted once instruction begins. 

Parents in Programming Room

Due to spacing, parents are not allowed inside programming room but must stay on library property.